Football Central Africa : how did François Zahoui escape death ?

François Zahoui

Coach of the Central African Republic since September 2019, François Zahoui could have died in Bangui during the night of May 31 to June 1. But the Ivorian technician had his life, no doubt thanks to luck or rather thanks to God, as he says so well.

Indeed, his home, located in the first arrondissement of the Central African capital, burned down completely when he had just moved there. The fire was allegedly caused by a short circuit.

“All I can say is that it was God who saved me. I escaped certain death. Because it was last Sunday that I was actually going to integrate this house. And everything was in place to settle in. Everything was furnished, “said François Zahoui, joined by our colleagues from Sport Ivoire, before discussing the circumstances under which the fire occurred.

“After setting up all my things, I decided to have dinner at an Ivorian restaurant in Bangui. When I return, I see a crazy world around my house. To my many questions, I learned that it caught fire. Definitely a short circuit I was told, “he revealed.

François Zahoui believes that he owes his life to God.

“I really praise the work of God. Because, suppose I was sleeping and the fire started in the middle of the night, it was already over for me. I note that everything burned except my Bible. Before joining it, I brought in a Pastor who prayed. God therefore acted. And I can only say a big thank you to him ”.


Aimé ATTI is a bilingual journalist who breathes football and shares his passion on Africa Top Sports

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