Africa Ryan Mendes : A new Arab Gulf League club for the Cape verdian

Ryan Mendes leaves Sharjah FC. But the offensive midfielder stays in the United Arab Emirates. He joins another Arab Gulf League squad for 2 years.

At 30 years old, Mendes signs in favor of Al Nasr. He leaves Sharjah where he has just spent 2 seasons. With sharjah FC, he won the 2018-2019 championship.

Trained in his country of origin at FC Batuque, mendes landed in France at Le Havre. But it was in Lille that he made himself a name between 2012 and 2017. He will be on loans in England to Notthingham Forest and then in Turkey to Kayseripor.

An important element of the Blue Sharks, he scored 17 goals for 40 selections.

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