The FIFA Review Committee has given FAZ president Andrew Kamanga the all-clear to contest March 12 FIFA Council elections billed for Cairo.
In a letter addressed to Kamanga from the CAF General Secretary Veron Mosengo-Omba, FIFA declared the FAZ chief fit after having passed all the requisite tests.
“CAF is pleased to inform you that you have been declared eligible to be a candidate for elections to the FIFA Council at the 14th CAF Extraordinary General Assembly, Cairo, 12 March 2025,” reads part of the correspondence.
On 12th March 2025, Africa will be choosing six representatives for the coveted FIFA Council seats with one seat reserved for a female candidate.
Kamanga will be among 11 competitors for the available five seats for CAF male candidates. The FIFA eligibility test is crucial for any would be candidate for elections as provided for in the FIFA Statutes.