Kenyan Premier League Homeboyz call for FKF to dock Gor Mahia points over hooliganism

Kakamega Homeboyz have called on the Football Kenya Federation (FKF) to dock Gor Mahia points after their assistant team manager Peter Atswenje was allegedly attacked by their fans on Wednesday.

After the league fixture which Homeboyz won 3-2 at Kasarani Stadium to derail Gor Mahia’s march towards the title, the official was allegedly attacked by K’Ogalo fans, and he ended up losing three teeth, broke his leg, lost cash Ksh200, 000, national ID card, and bank ATM.

In a statement from Homeboyz signed by CEO Benard Shitiabayi, the Kakamega-based club have called on FKF to investigate the matter and take stern action against Gor Mahia, including docking them points.

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“We condemn the attack meted on our innocent official with the strongest terms possible and call on FKF to deduct Gor Mahia points because it was their fans, who attacked the official,” read part of the statement, adding: “We also call upon the FKF to expeditiously investigate into this hooliganism acts and shun it immediately. Such deviant behavior should be meted with harsh punishment to Gor Mahia.”

The statement added: “We are shocked such heinous act still exists in broad daylight and to set a good example we request FKF to invoke article 9.3, which states the responsibility of clubs and misconduct. Gor Mahia violated article 9.3.3 clubs are responsible for the conduct of their members and supporters and must ensure they behave in a fair manner and refrain from violent, threatening abusive, obscene, and other provocative and unsporting conduct or language at a match.”

In a separate interview, chairman Cleophas Shimanyula warned he will not leave any stone unturned until justice prevails for Atswenje.

“We will make sure that Atswenje is served with justice, it is unfortunate at this age and era there are still hooligans hell-bent to spoil the good game of football in the country, it is upon FKF to act but we will not stop at anything until we get justice,” said Shimanyula.

Gor Mahia will face Nairobi City Stars in their final fixture of the season at Kasarani Stadium on Sunday.

Dennis Mabuka

Dennis Mabuka is a seasoned Kenyan journalist with 18 years of experience covering sports events. He is currently a sport content creator with

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