Nigeria Osimhen should be banned by NFF after Finidi George criticism – Nigeria legend says

Former Nigeria Super Eagles goalkeeper Idah Peterside called on Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) to ban Victor Osimhen from the national team after his public rant on Finidi George.

The Napoli forward said in a live on Instagram on Saturday that he has no longer any respect for the ex-Super Eagles coach after the later said he chooses his games with the national team following his absence for the last two games against South Africa (1-1) and Benin Republic (1-2 loss).

Osimhen even promised to publish on social media the private conversation in which he told Finidi George that he can’t represent the national team due to his injury in his last club game.

Reacting to the former Lille forward’s words, Idah Peterside said he should apologize to the coach and be banned from the national team.

“I think action should be taken, or he should be banned from playing for the national team”, Peterside said in a video on X.

“If we allow this kind of thing to continue, it would not augur well for Nigeria. The men who have served and given everything to our great country. So sanity must be brought to our football.

“He (Osimhen) needs to come outside and apologize for the things he said to Finidi.

“Finidi George is a legend, You don’t just widen your mouth and say things that are unpalatable. If you have issues with the man, pick up your phone and call him. That’s what responsible people do.

“Osimhen has just shown a bit of irresponsibility, and that’s unexpected. I think the NFF should call Osimhen and ask him to apologize. He has to apologize for saying things.”


Aimé ATTI is a bilingual journalist who breathes football and shares his passion on Africa Top Sports

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