athletics Togo – Foot Racing : Ecotrail Second Edition Taking Place In Agou

The second edition of the Ecotrail (Foot racing) is taking place this year. Agou, a city located at 115 km from Lomé, will be in attraction on 5 and 6 September 2020. The competition which will put together more than 200 racers. The event is organized under the theme of waste management.

The day dedicated to foot racing will be celebrated again this year in Togo. For the event, a popular racing is organized in Agou on Sunday 6 September. It will be a real celebration since all age and gender categories are taken into account in order to involve a large number of racers. All this in strict compliance with barrier measures.

On this occasion, the importance of daily well-being and health, the values ​​of living together, and self-improvement, associated with the practice of running for all, will be celebrated. Beyond these collective values, the entrepreneurial spirit will be highlighted through the testimonies of local entrepreneurial successes, in particular Eco-spirulina by its spirulina production farm and local artisans.” The press release read.

It should be noted that the activities begin this Saturday with an Eco-jogging announcing the great Sunday event. Event none other than racing, the second edition of its kind.

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