Nigerian Players abroad Awoniyi Returns To Training With Forest After Injury

The Super Eagles forward Taiwo Awoniyi of Nigeria, who sustained an injury, has returned to team training with Nottingham Forest of the English Premier League.

The dynamic forward has finished his recuperation after missing time due to injury since November 2023.

On Monday, the club’s recently hired coach Nuno Espirito made the decision that the Nigerian international should return to the team for team training.

Read Also:Taiwo Awoniyi : Steve Cooper delighted with Nigerian forward’s injury return

The players that were out have joined the group, even though they are not 100 per cent, we have decided to have them around, in the cases of Taiwo and Anthony and Felipe,” he said.

“We decided as a group to bring them to the squad, even though they are not really yet. We will have to decide, they are going to be with us and then we will decide.

“Awoniyi is in the process of recovering and getting the fitness levels right.

We decided to bring them to the group. Instead of waiting for them to be 100 per cent ready, we decided to bring them in and after that, we will decide.”

Awoniyi’s availability for Forest’s upcoming Premier League match against Arsenal is uncertain.

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