Premier League Gary Neville compares Arsenal star to African legend Michael Essien

Manchester United icon Gary Neville likens Arsenal midfielder Declan Rice to Ghana Black Stars legend Michael Essien.

After helping West Ham win the Europa League Conference last season, the 24-year old joined Arsenal on a record sale for the Hammers.

So far, he is doing well with the Gunners and his performance against Crystal Palace on Monday night won him the Man of The Match Award.

Speaking on the England international, Gary Neville says he sees a lot of Michael Essien who had a successful spell with Chelsea, in him.

“What I think he brings to Arsenal’s midfield is power, personality and physicality. Essien brought that to Chelsea. I think that would, for me, be a better example of what I see him as,’ he said on Sky Sports.

“[Claude] Makelele was the defender, [Frank] Lampard was the goals and Essien, and this is not a criticism by the way, Essien was a brilliant player. I loved him at Chelsea.

“I thought he was outstanding, but he was the power, he was a force in there for three or four years. And for me, I see him more as an Essien. I wouldn’t put him personally in the category of Keane and Vieira.”


Aimé ATTI is a bilingual journalist who breathes football and shares his passion on Africa Top Sports

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