Basket-ball Big Bang Ballers: basketball for the humanitarian service! – Video

24036_417713761281_1284865_n-259x300The International Charity Association, founded in 2008, Big Bang Ballers uses basketball as a vehicle for solidarity. Team spirit, transcendence, tolerance, diversity and solidarity are the objectives of the organization. Active in nearly 10 countries around the world (Bangladesh, Nepal, Philippines, Australia, France, Uganda, Afghanistan …), the Big Bangs were passing from 15 to 21 June in Senegal.

The menu of this intervention, organizing basketball tournaments open to all, holding basketball camps to vulnerable children, etc.. The Big Bang Ballers also serve as fundraising and sports and educational funding through local partnerships and sponsorship of youth basketball teams to achieve their goals.

At the end of the trip in Senegal, the association enjoyed the work done. “My first pride is to have been able to provide, within our means and in line with our history, a bit of fantasy, madness, fun and energy to nearly 1,200 children in vulnerable situation in Senegal. Each side has the opportunity to discover a bustling and mischievous Senegalese youth which rendered a hundredfold what we have given them: smiles, games, prospects “, said Julien Kerdoncuf, Co-founder of the Big Bang Ballers . For the latter, the purpose of the BBB is not to save the world but to “provide for an hour, a day or a life, a little happiness to children who have just the right through a ball”.

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Here is the teaser video of their visit in Senegal!


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