Africa What is YouFoot? The answer with Samuel Westberg

franckIn an interview with Africa Top Sports, Samuel Westberg, the head of Business development of YouFoot reveal to us the identity of the website as well as its objectives.
Hello Mr. Westberg, tell us what YouFoot is?
“Youfoot is a football tool that makes it possible for everybody to generate as much interactions as possible around the world with your favorite teams, clubs, players …just by becoming a member of our community on our website. Everything is already scripted on the website”.
In which countries do you operate?
“We have more than 50 partnerships around the world, with sports media, clubs…and we have started partnerships with teams two years ago. Clubs also are not excluded and among them we can mention the partnerships we have with two second division clubs in France. Apart from that we have partnership with South Africa, about which we are really excited and we really looking to bring football another vision.”
According to the multitude of partnership that you have around the world, in how many languages do you write your articles?
“For now we are operating in fourteen languages not only the articles but also the applications and all the tools that go along with it. Among the various languages we have Chinese, Japanese, South Korean, French, English, Arabic, Spanish and even African local languages such as Wolof, Ndola. As I previously said, everything is possible on YouFoot. So we are ready help any actor in the domain that wants to develop to do so”.

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